Monday, February 3, 2020
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
University Hills Starbucks
Present: Emily, David M, Christie, Laura, and Dave A.
Special Announcement
Christie is to receive Denver INC Community Crime & Safety Award! Denver INC is the city-wide registered neighborhood organization (RNO). Christie was selected for this award because of the positive difference her tireless volunteerism has made in the U-Hills community and throughout Denver. The Neighborhood Watch program Christie has helped build throughout the Denver community is based on strengthening community relationships and trust with law enforcement. The award will be presented to Christie at the Awards Dinner on February 12, 2020. Congratulations Christie!
Denver INC Annual Award Dinner on Feb 12
Denver INC is the registered neighborhood organization (RNO) for the entire City and County of Denver. Laura and Dave to attend to represent University Hills Neighborhood Association (UHNA).
U-Hills Neighborhood Association (UHNA) Financial Report
UHNA is looking great with $2,605.92 total in our accounts. We have: $1,617.55 in our bank account. $988.37 in a second account. It is expected that it will cost approximately $1,000 to apply for 501c(3) status with the IRS. This is a goal slated for 2020.
Donation of UHNA Funds to Bradley International?
Proposal to donate extra funds to Bradley International PTO (Bradley’s 501c(3) Parent Teacher Organization) to beautify school entrance. This would be an enhancement both to Bradley and the larger U-Hill’s community. This agenda item was tabled for discussion at a later time.
Eisenhower Pickle Ball Court, Hours of Operation
Community members and Councilwoman Kendra Black’s office reached out to UHNA regarding the new, restricted pickle ball court hours at Eisenhower Park. The UHNA board agrees this is a discussion for the larger U-Hills community as this is a decision that should be made with community input. UHNA will invite Denver Parks & Rec to present pros/cons and options at the next U-Hills community meeting on February 24, 2020.
Light Rail Station Lighting and Safety
In response to the recent murder at the Evans/Colorado Center Light Rail station/footbridge and upcoming funding for Light Rail station improvements, the UHNA board agrees that safety at area Light Rail stations needs to be examined. Emily will draft a letter to Councilwoman Black (and possibly Mayor Hancock) regarding safety at area Light Rail stations. In addition, UHNA will invite Councilwoman Black and a Denver Police Department (DPD) Community Resource Officer (CRO) to attend our next U-Hills community meeting on February 24, 2020. Another idea discussed was to invite RTD safety personnel and a DPD CRO do a community walk, examining the safety of our Yale Light Rail Station and other area Light Rail stations.
Possible Sale of Public School Assets
Denver Public Schools (DPS) is currently considering the sale of Rosedale Elementary and parts of Place Bridge Academy’s land, among other DPS assets that are being examined. Corresponding citizen groups and registered neighborhood organizations (RNO) have reached out to UHNA for support. The UHNA board is in support of public assets staying public assets. The UHNA board agrees that 1.) more research needs to be done to understand if the sale of public assets is a smart, long-term decision for our community, and 2.) the citizen community needs to be a part of the decision process (because this land belongs to the people).
Farm to School Possibility at Corner of Bradley International
Personnel from the Denver Public Schools (DPS) Farm to School Program (Anne Wilson) has reached out the Bradley International and the University Hills Neighborhood Association regarding the possibility of using the open space (near Cornell and Dahlia) for a farm to school program. Pros/cons were discussed. UHNA wants to learn more about the possibility. UHNA will invite a representative from DPS to present the idea at an upcoming U-Hills community meeting.
Bradley Retaining Wall Mural Project
A subcommittee has formed to improve the aesthetics of the corner at Cornell and Dahlia. The next subcommittee meeting for this project will be at Bradley International at 5:30 PM on February 24.
2020 U-Hills Neighborhood Association (UHNA) Events
In 2019, UHNA hosted the Egg Hunt, Summerfest, and Santa at Wellshire. UHNA also cooperated with the High Line Canal Conservancy and Councilwoman Kendra Black to host the High Line Canal Cleanup. The UHNA board agrees that we would like to sponsor each of these events again in 2020.
· Egg Hunt, tentatively scheduled for Saturday, April 4.
· Summerfest, to schedule during Denver Days (Aug 1 or 9). To combine event with Bradley Mural project event? Reserve Cocotaso food truck?
· High Line Canal Cleanup, to host in Fall this year (instead of Spring)?
· Santa at Wellshire Inn, Lisa to reach out to see when Santa is available.
Feature requests for the UHNA website (
Two separate entities have contacted UHNA to be featured on the U-Hills Neighborhood Association (UHNA) website. If entities are for-profit, it is agreed that they should become a sponsor UHNA. The board also discussed the possibility of level sponsorships (possible difference between for-profit entities and non-profit entities). Board members will examine both requests and come back with decisions.
· This organization looks to be some kind of business. In which case, they should pay to be featured on the UHNA website.
· It was unclear what type of organization is.
New UHNA Sponsors
UHNA is a 100% volunteer organization and receives no funds from any government agency. In order to become more accessible for all members of our community, UHNA decided in 2018 to move to a sponsor funding model (instead of requiring citizen members to pay membership fees). As such, UHNA will need to find more local business sponsors to fund our community events and functioning costs. UHNA will begin finding sponsors for all 2020 UHNA events. The plan is to make a list of new possible sponsors and begin reaching out. The plan is to create a Google doc spreadsheet of business in our area and reach out to them for sponsorships.