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University Hills Safety & Awareness 

University Hills Neighborhood Watch

One of the best ways you can help keep our neighborhood safe is to get involved! For more information about the U-Hills Neighborhood Watch program email

Monthly Community Meetings with Denver Police Department

EVERYONE IS WELCOME at the Denver Police Department (DPD) District 3 Community Advisory Board (CAB) meetings. Meetings occur monthly at the DPD District 3 Station (1625 S. University Blvd). Visit the DPD District 3 website for more information

District 3 Community Resource Officers

Feel welcome to contact your District 3 DPD Community Resource Officers! Community Resource Officers (CROs) provide assistance on issues such as neighbor disputes, public nuisances, zoning issues, fraud, crime prevention, and other neighborhood concerns. They attend regular neighborhood organization meetings and provide training on issues such as neighborhood watch, commercial and home security, gang awareness, crime prevention, and much more. They are available to help you! 

Officer Antonio Pacheco

Officer Kate Young

Officer Michael Borquez

Officer Matt Grimsley

Keep Our U-Hills Community Safe

Safety is of upmost importance. Each of us have an important role to play in keeping each other safe.


Get to Know Your Neighbors

Research shows that the most effective way to keep neighborhoods safe and deter home burglaries and other crime is to have good relationships with your neighbors. It makes a difference to have each other’s backs. Please get to know each other.


Report Suspicious Activity

Please report all suspicious activity to the Denver Police Department. Always dial 911 FOR EMERGENCIES and crimes in progress. When you see something after the fact, call 720-913-2000.


Keep Porch Lights ON in the night and OFF in the day

Multiple studies have shown that less crime occurs along well-lit streets. Keeping your porchlight on during the night only costs an estimated $8-12 per year and can help deter crime. But, do remember to turn your porch light off during the day—leaving porch lights on during daylight hours can signal no one is home or that you're away on holiday.


Keep Garage Doors Closed

Garage doors left open can be an invitation for theft and/or can be considered an easy point of access to the rest of your home. Keep garage doors closed to deter crime.


Report Street Light Outages

It’s quick and easy! Report street light outages to Xcel.

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