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Community Meeting Minutes

Monday, April 12, 2021

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM



High Line Canal Stormwater Project

Presenters: Austin Konkle (Hamon Infrastructure), Liz Palmquist (City’s consultant), and Gary Padilla (DOTI) will talk about the changes coming to the High Line Canal. Presentation slides.

  • Construction Hours: 7 AM - 5 PM, with some occasional Saturdays

  • Stormwater management to support the vitality of the Canal

  • Connection across the High Line Canal Conservancy w/bridge projects § Short-term pedestrian bridge closures

  • Simultaneous DPR trail repair work during closure (approx 50 ft.)

    • Near the playground

    • Near May 1st - Mid-June

  • Temporary detour from CO. Blvd. to Dahlia for the trail

  • Holly/Eastman bridge will be replaced, expected to be finished by end of 2021

  • Water quality structure on S. Dahlia adjacent to Eisenhower Park and an additional structure at Wellshire Golf Course.

  • The new installations will provide function and aesthetics

  • Definition of Forebay: A water quality treatment term. It typically means a small pond (or bay) that collects water and let's sediment drop out before entering a larger pond. In this case, it's a vegetated strip that will filter sediment and dirt before the water enters the canal.

  • Starting May 1st alongside the Ash Forebay for 5-6 weeks

  • Met w/ City Forester and decided and discussed which trees should be removed. They were “volunteer sprouts.” Needed to clear the trail. The project inspector was present for the removal.

  • Phase II “could” include planting of trees. No plans yet. HLCC is planning to plant vegetation on other parts of the 70+ miles of the Canal.

  • There's no reported storm event issues or health concerns for this section of the canal.

  • Denver’s goal of this project is to clean storm water before it enters our waterways

  • The installations will help pull out sediment and trash

  • Concern about the Beavers and other wildlife and habitat. DPR wants to leave the various habitats alone. Beavers, etc. will voluntarily move during construction and will likely move back post construction.

  • Hopefully the forebays will help w/ the litter that winds up in the Canal. There will be regular sweeps (3x per year) of the trash and debris.

  • For general questions not requiring an immediate response, email or call:


    • 720-460-9055

    • Website Info Transportation-and-Infrastructure/Programs- Services/Projects/High-Line-Canal-Stormwater

  • Construction completion should be approximately November 2021


Safe Parking Program

Four days ago, on Thursday, April 8, UHNA learned that the First Universalist Church on the corner of Hampden Ave and Colorado Blvd is planning to submit an application to host a Safe Parking Program on their property.


  • Click on homelessness. Then several links are available. Including the Application, an 8 page overview, and the program contract.

  • Church has plans to begin program in June/July

  • Residents would have background checks done by Colorado Safe Parking Initiative (CSPI)

  • Residents would also agree to a covenant of 26 points

  • No drugs, alcohol or weapons are permitted

  • 8 Cars only w/ 1-2 people over the age of 18, no children

  • Provide a safe place to sleep in cars

  • Hours of operation from 6 pm - 8 am daily; Residents would need to go elsewhere during the day

  • No Campers, trailers, RV’s, or tents would be allowed

  • Porta-Potty and a hand sanitizing station and trash cans would be provided as part of the program

  • DPD would be notified of the program and would be available to support if needed

  • Application has not been submitted yet

  • Permit is good for 6 months w/an opportunity to renew the permit

  • The Church is hosting an information meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, April 21, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM, Zoom Link: vUT09

Neighbors planned another meeting to discuss the Safe Parking Program tomorrow (April 13) @ Magna Carta Park @ 5 pm

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