Hello U-Hills Neighbors, Wow, what a busy start to 2019, heh? (Although, I suppose I can’t honestly say “start”, as we’re already nearly half way into 2019!) Either way, there’s been a lot happening! Here are some U-Hills highlights and events still to come... It was fun to see so many of you at the U-Hills Egg Hunt! It was certainly a chilly morning. But that’s the fun of growing up in Colorado, right?!... You can expect snowy egg hunts in Spring and coats over Halloween costumes in Fall. The High Line Canal Earth Day Cleanup was a huge success! Together, we cleaned more than 550 POUNDS OF TRASH! THANK YOU so much to everyone who volunteered to make such a difference in our community! The data is in. Neighborhood Watch is working! Our U-Hills neighborhood is getting safer. Crime is going down. Thanks for caring for each other and watching out for each other. The Denver Election is only days away! Haven’t voted yet? You’re not alone. We can help! Find links to candidate forum videos and election guides below. Happy Friday neighbors! Emily Emily H. Walker President of the Board U-Hills Neighborhood Association
THE DENVER ELECTION IS TUESDAY! Make sure you cast your vote by 7:00 PM, TUESDAY, MAY 7. It’s too late to mail your ballot. But no biggie, you can drop it off!
24-Hour Ballot Drop Box:
Eisenhower Rec Center (4300 E. Dartmouth)
RTD Southmoor Station (3737 S. Monaco Street Pkwy)
Replacement Ballots, Registration, In-Person Voting:
Denver Police Department (1625 S. University)
Friday, May 3: 10 AM - 6 PM
Saturday, May 4: 10 AM - 2 PM
Monday, May 6: 10 AM - 6 PM
Tuesday, May 7 (Election Day): 7 AM - 7 PM
Denver Election Resources
Denver Mayor, Candidate Forum Video
City Council District 4, Candidate Forum Video
City Council At-Large, Candidate Forum Video
Denver Auditor, Candidate Forum Video
Denver Clerk and Recorder, Candidate Forum Video
Election Guide (Denverite)
Candidate Questionnaires (Denver Post)
Candidate Questionnaire (Denver Parks and Rec)
Denver Elections Division
Denver Mulch Giveaway This Saturday! Ready to get your yard and garden looking great?! On Saturday, May 4, Denver residents can take advantage of a one-day event to get two great products! Denver residents can load up on FREE MULCH at several locations (listed below) and purchase compost at a discounted price at the Havana Nursery (10450 Smith Road) while supplies last.
Dig-Your-Own Free Mulch 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Havana Nursery (10450 Smith Rd., just south of I-70 on Havana St.)
Bear Creek Park (South of Dartmouth Ave. on Raleigh St.)
Fred Thomas Park (Quebec St. & 26th Ave.)
Sloan’s Lake Park (Sheridan Blvd. & 17th
Veterans Park (Iowa Ave. & Vine St.)
U-Hills North will have a park soon! Congratulations to our U-Hills North neighbors who’ll finally have a park! This is a wonderful achievement that took a lot of hard work and determination. Councilwoman Kendra Black and the U-Hills North RNO led the effort to make a case for this much needed park. The new pocket park will be where the longtime Groundcovers Garden Center has been for decades. The owner has decided to retire and the family is happy the space will become a park for the community. THANKS to everyone who wrote letters and attended events in support of this much needed park! You've made a real, positive difference in our community! (Denverite)
High Line Canal Bridge at South Holly Street March’s Bomb Cyclone uprooted one of the oldest and largest cottonwood trees in our neighborhood. The gigantic tree fell on the bridge at South Holly Street and the bridge has been deemed unsafe. Unfortunately, at this time, the City is unable to give an estimation as to when the bridge will be replaced/repaired.
12-story developments may be coming to U-Hills North Yes, it’s true. There are a couple of 12-story developments that may be on the horizon for U-Hills North. The U-Hills North RNO has been working to guide the new developments in a way that benefits the community. Sandwiched in between two Light Rail Stations, Colorado Blvd, and I25, U-Hills North is an area of growth. When we as citizens cooperate to guide coming change, we help ensure change serves our community. The U-Hills North Community RNO invites everyone to be a part of the process at their Annual Neighborhood Meeting.
U-Hills North Annual Meeting Thursday, May 9, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM (Sign-in begins at 6:00 PM) Hope Fellowship Church Basement (2400 S Ash Street)
Hampden Avenue Improvements and High Line Canal Underpasses Later this year, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) plans to repave Hampden Avenue and install some pedestrian enhancements. CDOT and the City also plan to begin work on two High Line Canal underpasses at Hampden Avenue and Colorado Boulevard. Join us to learn more from CDOT and City engineers and planners at the information session.
Hampden Ave. Improvements and High Line Canal Underpass Update Wednesday, May 15, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM Temple Sinai (3509 South Glencoe Street)
Property Tax Relief Program A lot of us recently received our 2019 Property Valuations. If your taxes went up and you feel stressed, there may be relief. Families who own a home and earn 40% of Area Median Income or less can now qualify for the city’s Property Tax Relief Program. The applicant (or at least one full-time member of the household) must be eligible to receive public assistance. Depending on family size and homeowner status, the income limits range from $16,000 to $41,000. Visit denvergov.org/propertytaxrelief or call 720-944-4DHS to learn more.You can also learn about other assistance programs by calling 311 or by visiting denvergov.org/housing.
Clean your clutter! The Great Denver Cleanup is May 18! This is a great opportunity to recycle, compost, and dispose of unwanted materials from your home, yard, and around the neighborhood. Bring your unwanted items to a FREE drop-off site. Saturday, May 18, 9 AM - 2 PM
North High School (2960 N Speer Blvd)
Public Works Roslyn Facility (5440 Roslyn St)
Public Works Central Platte Facility (1271 W Bayaud Ave)
Public Works Cherry Creek Transfer Station (7301 E Jewell Ave)
The following items are ACCEPTED, but MUST BE SORTED by type and kept separate from trash to ensure they can be properly recycled or composted:
Yard debris
Large rigid plastics
Furniture, box springs, and mattresses
Clothing and shoes
Large pieces of glass
Scrap metal
Materials NOT ACCEPTED at this event:
NO electronics
NO batteries or light bulbs
NO household hazardous waste
NO building, construction/demolition, or commercial landscape materials
U-Hills Plaza Farmer’s Market Begins Saturday, June 1st Our own friendly U-Hills Farmer’s Market is returning to U-Hills Plaza this summer! There’ll be new farmers and market vendors EVERY SATURDAY, all summer long! Bring the family, meet a friend, do your grocery shopping outside in the fresh, summer air!
Food Trucks and Live Music at the U-Hills Summerfest, August 3rd
Our U-Hills Neighborhood Association Summerfest will be on Saturday, August 3! Join us for good food, live music, and lots of fun. Come one, come all!
U-Hills Summerfest Saturday, August 3, 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Bradley International Elementary School Playgrounds (3051 South Elm Street)
Six Denver High Schools are rated the best in Colorado! US News has published its annual list of best high schools in each state and six Denver Public School High Schools are on the list! (Denver Business Journal)
Help us build a strong community! Our U-Hills neighborhood events make a real difference and help build a strong community. We’d love your help! Whether it’s simply volunteering at a certain event, serving on a committee, or perhaps even creating/chairing a committee for an initiative that means a lot to you. Please let us know if there’s a UHNA initiative you’d like to be a part of by taking this SUPER SHORT SURVEY.