6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Donna’s House and via Zoom
Attendance: Donna, Emily, Kathy, David. Amy and Linda by Zoom.
The agenda for tonight's meeting and the minutes of the last meeting were approved.
2023 Annual Community Meeting will be at 6:30 pm on Monday, Dec. 4 via Zoom. UHNA Board of Director elections will take place at the Annual Meeting. Emily will provide her business Zoom link.
UHNA Meetings
· For the 2024 calendar year, UHNA meetings will be on the second Thursday of the each month at 6:30 pm.
· There will be four community meetings a year. Location of community meetings TBD. In-person + virtual option is ideal. If cannot offer both in-person and virtual, in-person is best.
· There will be eight regular board meetings a year. Location to alternate between in-person and virtual.
· Special meetings will occur as necessary.
Treasurer's Report
· Linda said all Movie Night vendors have been paid.
· Linda deposited a check for $6.51 from BirdCall.
· Linda will be receiving $500 from Delta Dental, which is sponsoring Santa at the Wellshire event this year.
· Emily has paid for expenses out of pocket, including our registration with the Colorado Secretary of State, UHNA’s web URL, and for UHNA’s website (Wix.com). Emily to submit receipts and expense report to be reimbursed.
· Current UHNA balance is 1,465. Money will be used to make up the difference in costs for upcoming Santa at Wellshire event, pay the rest of 2023 expenses, and for 2024 community events (Egg Hunt, Food Trucks, Movie Night). Ways to raise more money for future events to be discussed at next meeting.
Santa at the Wellshire
· Event will be from 10 am to 2 pm on Nov. 25.
· We will give the Wellshire $150 and the Wellshire employees a tip of $150.
· Steve Mackey, who has agreed to be Santa, will receive $200. Emily said she would ask someone to be Mrs. Santa.
· Donna said she had a song board, and she and Kathy said they would lead Christmas songs.
· David said he would ask the Univ. Hills library if they would have a crafts table at the event. If they are not able to, he will ask Gaby at the Eisenhower Rec Center.
· We decided not to ask a fire truck to come to the event this year.
· We already have candy canes.
A Long-Term Project
· At the October community meeting we heard concerns from community members about the intersection of Dahlia and the High Line Canal trail. Our new councilwoman also agreed that this intersection is unsafe. Emily said a long-term community project should be to improve safety at this intersection. The board members unanimously agreed.
Recruiting New UHNA Board Members
· We will make an effort to recruit new members to UHNA board using email, Facebook, and Nextdoor. We needed more people to help with communication. Hugh and Sylvia are no longer helping. All the board members agreed to contact people they know about being on the board. Amy said she would contact Megan Williams.
· Donna will draft nomination and recruitment letters.
· Neighbors communicate with the board by sending messages to the UHNA's email. Donna said it was a lot of work responding to all these messages. She proposed that we have a communications committee.
· Donna said she has a laminator, paper, and a color printer and is all ready to make posters to get the word out about our meetings and events.
Building Community
· The board unanimously agreed that community events are an important part of what we do. They take A LOT of effort, but it promotes connectedness in our community, improving quality of life and safety. We will need more volunteers to achieve the goals of UHNA: more robust communication to spread awareness/information and build community.