UHNA Board Meeting
May 9, 2022
In attendance: Emily, Hugh, Laura, Lisa, Donna, Dave, Jon and Jeff Liljegren (Bradley Parent and Sponsor for Movie Night)
Food Truck Nights
Checklist for each member to have access to
Donation Jar (Christie)
Fliers/posters (Movie, Donate and Food Truck)
Hugh will update the flier
Sponsorships (see below)
“H” Frame posters can be put up Thursday night (night before Food Truck events)
Food Truck
Noise Ordinance - 55 db
Download “Niosh-Slm” App to measure decibel level of events
Music Performances - 3 nights so far, 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Donna - 7/1 - HipPops
Celtic Harpist
Keyboard Player
Movie Night
Jeff Liljegren - Ins. Coverage and Sponsorship
He would like to have a table @ the movie night
Logo on flier $150 -
Logo on flier and website $350
Logo on flier, website and $ 500
Denver Days - Did not get to discuss
High Line Canal Event - Big Fundraiser Event “Walk for the Canal Week” - Jon (options below)
Highline Canal Opportunity Flier
Seal the Critter Sculpture - Jon
Hopefully before June 30th
Maybe approximately 20 people
Hugh may host afterward @ his house?
Organize a walk group
Join an existing walk group
Promote the event
Summer Event Communications -
Fliers for Bradley families
Social Media (FB, ND, website)
Email blasts (several)
Meet/host Denver City Council Candidates - Tony Pigford and perhaps Paul Rosenthal
Invite them to attend our Food Truck events to meet neighbors, etc.?
June 20: Community Meeting, Auditor Timothy O'Brien - Did not get to discuss
Pedestrian Safety along Hampden Ave, between Dahlia and Colo Blvd
Kendra’s study (Elevate Denver Bond) will be done in 2022-2023
Emily w/reach out to Kendra for more info.
Santa @ The Wellshire - Did not get to discuss
Next Meeting on May 23rd from 7 pm - 9 pm