In attendance: Donna, Linda, Lisa, David M., Emily, Amy, Kathy, Laura
Meeting called to order at . 6:45 pm Donna approved the previous minutes and David 2nd.
Treasurer Report - Donations deposits for $ 150 each (Linda and David personal donation?)
Movie Night Expenses $ 2772.29 approx.
Paypal? Balance $ 636.99
$2137.01 in the bank as of today
FUNdraiser @ Birdcall - Tues., July 18th 11am - 10pm
Social Media - daily on FB and ND
Fliers on canal -10 by Donna
Friday Food Truck - July 14th 5-8
Biker Jim’s Dogs
HipPops Gelato Truck
Movie Voting - How is it going?
Only 20 votes so far
Adding 2 non-animated options
Signs for Next Year?
The food truck events in my neighborhood post these signs. Perhaps we should look into getting them too. No specific dates, but maybe 2nd and 4th (or 1st and 3rd Friday’s June-end of August)?
Kathy will make 2 sandwich boards w/plywood for our Friday Nights and the Saturday Farmers Market.
Consider making neighborhood signs. Can be used for Community Meetings, Movie Night, Egg Hunt, Santa, etc.
Revisit this after Movie Night
Event Planning -
Sponsor update - Need specifics from all members who have received sponsorships
Donna has a Concrete Co Sponsor for $300
No response
Donna will follow up with her tomorrow
Bike Source?
Sponsorship Info
Amy was under the understanding that the $500 Sponsorship was good for 1 year (from date of sponsorship) and ability to have a table at each of the 3 events.
Logo on bottom of newsletter and on the website for the year
General Info.
Need to get sponsor info to Emily or Donna for flier creation ASAP
Lisa will update the PowerPoint Presentation for display on the movie screen
Laura will talk w/Lindsey (BIS PTO President) about sponsoring the Face Painters for the evening!
Sponsor (Thrive) wants to bring a table for Movie Night and hand out Thrive specific marketing pieces. Is that ok?
Ok if give aways
Do we have UHNA Thank You Cards?
Laura will bring them to Food Truck night tomorrow
Everyone that received a sponsorship should write a card to the person or business
Lisa received final approval from DPS for use of Facility for Movie Night at no charge this year. 🥳
Diana Romero Campbell -
Kathy and/or Donna will try to reach her between now and the SxSE Festival and or will chat w/her at the Festival.
We should also invite her to our Annual Meeting on October 26th?
Donna w/make a flier for this event AFTER Movie Night
All fiscal info (including PayPal) is in the DropBox. Laura gave Linda all the info.
F990EZ for tax purposes
Fiscal year
Laura was accepted to be the Vice Chair @ Girls Inc. and she will just help out occasionally with misc.
Next meeting we need to discuss how to fill in for everything Laura has done
Adjourned at 9:30 pm