Present: UHNA Board of Directors: Donna, Kristin, Emily, Kathy, and David. Eight people from the University Hills community.
Donna called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the last UHNA meeting were approved.
Councilwoman Diana Romero Campbell's Remarks and Responses to Questions
Encouraging Community Engagement: To encourage community engagement, there are considerations to host a putt-putt golf tournament and/or a pickleball tournament.
Bethesda Park, the new park in University Hills North will open soon. Donna working with University Hills North residents to know what activities they recommended to make the neighborhood more inviting.
Diana's team will be sending out a survey to all of District 4 in the beginning of 2025.
Pickleball Courts at Eisenhower Park
There had been many-many complaints about pickleball noise at Eisenhower Park. Denver Parks and Rec has reopened the pickleball courts for a pilot program. During the pilot, the pickleball "librarian ball" must be used to limit noise pollution. The number of complaints has gone down a lot.
Trash, Recycling, and Composting
Citizenss can ask the City and County of Denver for a compost bin. Composting is picked up once a week.
Recycled materials continue to be picked up every other week.
Large trash items will be picked-up less frequently.
Holiday lights recycling program is in progress until January.
Christmas trees can be chopped-up and put in green compost bins. Or, Christmas trees can be dropped off at specific City of Denver locations.
The Southeast Denver Plan
This plan is for parts of Districts 5 and 6. It includes University Hills North (north of E Yale Ave), but not University Hills.
Improved Transportation Safety
Involves making Colorado Blvd. safer. Making the intersections at Dahlia + Hampden, Hampden + Holly, and Hampden + Ivanhoe safer.
The Colorado Corridor Study of DOTI (Denver Office of Transportation and Infrastructure)
The study involves research on how to make the Colorado Corridor, Southmoor to Hampden to Colorado 40th Avenue, safer and easier to navigate.
High Line Canal
Diana said that Denver Water is transferring control of the canal to municipalities and counties. Arapahoe County and Denver County are now managing several miles of the canal. Arapahoe County is taking the lead, but eventually Denver will play a larger role in the management of the canal.
Diana said that ten miles of the canal goes through Denver and that she wants this part of the canal to be part of Denver's park system. (Since recent change of hands between Denver Water and the High Line Canal Conservancy, portions of the canal that go through the University Hills neighborhood are being maintained by Arapahoe County.)
The High Line Canal Conservancy has succeeded in putting a conservation easement on the canal, so it cannot be developed.
Next UHNA Board of Directors Meeting
The next meeting will be at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, January 14, at the Eisenhower Rec Center.