In attendance: Emily, Lisa, David M., Donna, Hugh, Laura
I.) Call to order
II.) Bylaw Revisions
Only Officers need to be voted in according to ByLaws. They are elected.
Chairperson Positions - Can be added at any time. They are not voted on and appointed by BOD.
III.) Plan for 2021 Taxes
Laura submitted taxes on time but were returned to Laura by IRS. She thinks they just need to be submitted electronically, but TBD.
If 501(c)(3), rules state taxes need to have been filed for the past 5 years.
IV.) 2022 Annual Meeting - Wednesday, December 14, 2022 via Zoom
Emily will send an email blast (minus zoom link and info) and post on NextDoor about upcoming meeting
Lisa w/post info on FB as well
UHNA gmail account will be monitored early (before the meeting and first 10 minutes ish) in case anyone has difficulty logging in
V.) Meet & Greet @ Ester’s Update
Kathy will join the Board as the Historian Chair
Amy Hopp (Realtor) interested in the VP Position
Sylvia Cacares interested in the being the Communications Chair
Hugh will continue doing flyers and posters
Emily will continue helping with communications
Lisa will continue doing the FB posts
Laura would like to be Events Chair and let go of Treasurer Position
Donna w/reach out to Thomas Barber, CPA to see if he might be willing to do the taxes for the Association and receive potential sponsorship. There are some additional possibilities to reach out to.
Need a treasurer for the Assn. and also someone willing to do taxes either Pro Bono or at a small cost.
Helping the Assn to become a 501(c)(3)
Perhaps Hugh?
VI.) Adjourned @ 8:25