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U-Hills Community Meeting

Monday, February 8, 2021
Via Zoom (distributed to UHNA email list)

Choose specific areas/items each of us will focus on in 2021. Highlights from our January meeting are captured in last month's minutes. Please be thinking areas/items you would like to focus on in 2021. Your 2021 area/item of focus may not have been discussed at our January meeting and that's fine. Hopefully we'll have some new members of the community join our Monday meeting and hopefully they'll be inspired to volunteer their time/become involved with certain activities/initiatives. Updates on items since our January board meeting:

  • Possible cross-burning incident: Christie worked with DPD to look into this incident. DPD searched records all the way back to Nov 1 2020 and there was no record of this incident. Emily connected with neighbor who lives near the alleged incident. He said he had no more information and he would follow up if/when he hears more.

  • Drive-by shooting incident: DPD has reported this was an isolated incident. Repairs have been made to the house and the people that were living in the house have vacated.

  • New graffiti in the neighborhood: Everyone is asked to report graffiti as soon as they see it via 311/PocketGov.

  • 2020 Goal to Increase Participation in UHNA: Goal is to become better connected with residents and businesses in the neighborhood. Possible ways to achieve this: flyer campaign in the summer months, more food truck pop-ups and neighborhood community events, get new signs to post around neighborhood.

  • Brainstorm Possible Neighborhood Events to Build Community in 2021: Neighborhood/High Line Canal Clean-up event; Easter Egg Hunt (we already have supplies); return of Summerfest [?]; Community Scavenger Hunt; Game Night For Seniors (virtual bingo game?)

  • Zone Change Requests: Regarding three variance re quests in the U-Hills neighborhood. The BOA (board of adjustments) 1.) approved one of the appeal, 2.) denied one appeal, 3.) applicant withdrew application. UHNA does not make decisions, UHNA can make recommendations for/against requests. How to engage the community so that we can more effectively represent our community?

  • Possible Fundraising Opportunity for UHNA: An event similar to Bradley Dine Out events. UHNA promotes Junction’s business. Junction donates part of proceeds to UHNA.

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