November 9, 2021
In attendance: Emily, Jon, Lisa, Dave M., Christie, David A., Elaine, Sue, Karen Elias, Hugh Haiker, Mary Lea, Stacy Schafer, Teresa Kutt
Welcome and Ground Rules (5)
Respect others opinions
Be respectful
Listen openly and actively
ADUs (3200 S Holly St, survey draft, communication and engagement plan, hear from neighbors (especially close-by neighbors) (20)
Hugh - The realization of the project represents 2 different things
ADU’s give people with capitol to add more capitol
Homeowner wants to make a major change including zoning changes
Is this a slippery slope? Will it impact the whole neighborhood?
Going to break the ice and allow City to allow more ADU’s in UHILLS
Stacy’s quality of life NOT be altered by the changes proposed?
City planners should not be making these decisions
It should have been presented to residents in the city for a vote
How closely are ADU’s monitored?
Don’t want them to become Air B&B’s
Very difficult to know if resident’s voices will be heard when the time comes
Do we show up to the planning meeting?
If UHNA has any resources available to assist, it would be appreciated
Kendra Black has been dismissive and rude (through word of mouth)
Brandon Shaver has been accessible and informative
Stacy - Understands that ADU’s are happening
3200 S. Holly is asking for exceptions
Will be impacted severely, has been in the home 3 years
Has emailed the board information with size of ADU request
Andy at the City has laid out lots of information
Proposal is a story and a half
Worry about Stacy’s situation
Property Values
Zoning Laws shouldn’t be thrown out in the trash
Are all of the “players” that make up the community at the table?
All of the density is impacting everything from grocery accessibility to traffic…
Elaine - Right next door to 3200 S. Holly
Important to understand Blueprint Denver before making decisions or assumptions around ADU’s
If we don’t educate ourselves, we are putting ourselves at a disadvantage
Her husband has written a letter to Brandon Shaver and cc’ed UHNA, outlining Blueprint Denver & Denver Comprehensive Plan 2040, Zoning Regulations and small lot area, planning goals
U Hills is a low residential area, within a suburban residential context (from Blueprint Denver)
Karen Elias - 2 specific issues going on
Lot size
Impact on Stacy
2 story, not 1 ½ stories
Code Changes
Teresa - She is across the street from said property. They have put other structures on the property in the past
Emily - UHNA as the RNO does not make any decisions. Once the RNO is aware of how the community feels, then we will take a stance.
Wait to send out the survey that Hugh created until we need to know as a greater community how everyone feels about ADU’s
The immediate awareness must be made specific to this property
Safe Parking Update (5)
Dave A. and his neighbor Bonnie have voluntarily agreed to meet w/church & Steve C. (mediator)
General tone of the update is the program is working well
An extension may be requested
YMCA Redevelopment (5)
300+ people attended the meeting on October 26
Lisa’s Minutes from that meeting w/be posted on the UHNA website
Current zoning states they can go 150 ft. tall
There will be future community meetings
Would be at least 2 years out before breaking ground
Colorado Self Storage Zone Change (5)
The old Cameron Hotel on Evans/I-25
Various Councilmembers are working on rezoning areas around public transportation
That area needs to be more friendly for walkers, bikers, etc.
DU/CO Station/Bellview/Hampden more accessible with store fronts, restaurants, w/housing, small businesses, etc.
Kendra Black has requested UHNA send a letter in support of the Council members
That would not allow the Storage Unit building to be built
The majority of the attendees agreed that a walking accessible venue would be preferable over a storage unit business.
Neighborhood Events
Halloween success - Fun night, over 50+ houses participated
Turkey Trot - 5K on the Highline Canal @ Eisenhower
Suggested donation towards helping a family @ Bradley International School
Santa at Wellshire - If anyone is interested in helping, please reach out to Christie
Saturday, November 27th, 3:30 - 6:30 PM @ The Wellshire Event Center
Summer Food Truck Pop-us) (5)
Beginning Friday @ June 3, 2022 from 4-8 PM every other Friday through late August
Lisa and Laura are spearheading this
Neighborhood Safety (5)
Christie presented a current BOLO
Use of the Club (steering wheel lock) is highly recommended
Take the red handle off the rope of the garage door. Burglars are using a coat hanger to get access to garages and then to the house
CAB Meeting @ DPD 3, December 7 @ 6pm
Porch lights on are important
Be aware of financial scams
UHNA Upcoming Board Elections and Bylaws (5)
If anyone is interested in being on the board please reach out!
Hugh may be interested in a position on the board
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training
Conflict Resolution
Former College Professor
If you are interested in spearheading a committee or just helping out some time, please also reach out
For new members interested in running for a board position, there will be a meet and greet event after Thanksgiving and profile questions (to be posted for the public to see)
Open Forum (5)
Jon and others will Linseed Oil the sculpture on the canal. November 20th @ 10 AM
Adjourned @ 7:58 PM