U-Hills Neighborhood News
3rd Annual Neighborhood Pumpkin Patch & Food Drive FREE pumpkins! Fellow neighbor, Amy Randolph, is hosting the 3rd Annual Pumpkin Patch & Food Drive Saturday, October 8, 9 AM to 1 PM at 4760 E Dartmouth Ave. There will be treats, face painting, a photo booth, and FREE pumpkins! If you'd like to support the food bank, please bring unopened nonperishable food and toiletry items. Questions/RSVP: 720-318-4055; Amy.Randolph@compass.com. Survey on Neighborhood Safety & Community Engagement The city is working with two college professors to determine if there is a need for an 1.) office of neighborhood safety (which would be outside of the police department), AND 2.) an office of community engagement. They are collecting data for these studies through multiple means, including interviews, reports, data analysis, focus groups, and an online survey open to all Denver residents now through October 8. U-Hills Plaza Farmer's Market Saturdays through October 29, from 9 AM to 1 PM, at U-Hills Plaza (2500 S Colorado Blvd). Enjoy live music, fresh produce, coffee, pastries, breakfast burritos, and much more from more than 70 vendors! Denver Municipal Election Candidate Meet & Greet Fellow neighbor, Melissa Megliola, is hosting a meet and greet Sunday, October 9, 2 PM to 5 PM at 3441 S Birch St for two of the Denver municipal election candidates (Tony Pigford, City Council District 4 candidate; and Sarah Parady, City Council At-large candidate).***UHNA does not endorse political candidates. UHNA works to provide information to the public that impacts our Denver community. There are many other candidates in the running for Denver’s 2023 municipal elections. UHNA will publish information regarding the 2023 municipal election as it becomes aware. If you know of a Denver municipal candidate/election information event that you would like UHNA to share with the neighborhood, please let us know at UHNAinfo@gmail.com.*** Food Truck Pop-Ups Next Summer? UHNA is in the process of planning next summer’s U-Hills Food Truck Pop-ups and we’d like your help selecting the best day of the week for our neighborhood food truck events. Basically… Which day of the week do you prefer to skip making dinner and instead spend time in the park eating good food listening to live music? Complete this short survey. Mosquito Survey As you know, this year was a bad year for mosquitos in Denver. Take this very brief 3-question survey so local decision makers can know the impacts you felt and help drive future decisions on mitigation efforts. Town Hall with Councilwoman Kendra Black & State Senator Chris Hansen Tuesday, October 25, 5 PM - 7:30 PM, in the Thomas Jefferson High School Cafeteria (3950 S Holly St). Also in attendance will be: Chief Ron Thomas and Commander Carlos Aragon (Denver Police Department); Matt Wilmes (Denver Encampment Coordinator); Carolina Flores (Denver International Airport). Learn what's happening in Denver’s City Council District 4 and enjoy FREE pizza! Denver Police Department Citizens Advisory Board Meeting Tuesday, November 1, 6 PM - 7 PM at District 3 Station (1625 S University Blvd). Everyone welcome and encouraged to participate. Hosted by Commander Aragon and law enforcement leadership from Denver Police Department District 3. Learn about safety, crime stats, and trends that affect our neighborhoods. 7th Annual U-Hills Turkey Trot Get some fresh air and exercise before your Thanksgiving feast! Things will kickoff at the Eisenhower Park Rec Center (4300 E Dartmouth Ave) on Thursday, November 24, at 9 AM. The 5k run/walk is pet friendly and runs along the beautiful High Line Canal and Eisenhower Park. Cost is $10 and all money raised is donated directly to Bradley Elementary School to help a family in need during the holidays. Santa at Wellshire Inn Every season, Santa comes to visit the children of University Hills at the lovely Wellshire Inn! Join us to celebrate the good will of the season with neighbors and friends (and Santa!) on the morning of Saturday, November 26. More details to come. Neighborhood Watch Action and Awareness Training Denver Police District 3’s Neighborhood Watch program promotes neighborhood connectivity by encouraging neighbors to get to know one another and teaching residents how to effectively observe and report suspicious behavior. Please reach out to D3NeighborhoodWatch@denvergov.org if you’re interested in joining a future meeting. Free Youth Therapy Sessions The I Matter program provides up to six (6) free therapy sessions for any Colorado youth and reimburses participating providers, who are licensed therapists in Colorado. You can learn more about the program at: IMatterColorado.org. Where do I report a problem? You are Denver's eyes and ears. UHNA is not a community enforcement agency and as such, UHNA cannot enforce any city code or regulation. If you have concerns, please contact the appropriate Denver government agency so they can respond to your concerns. 311 and PocketGov.org are how the city tracks and prioritizes issues—more reports equals a higher priority for the city. (Note: Due to staff shortages and other challenges, the city's response may be delayed.)
Call 311 or go online to PocketGov.org to report problems such as parking violations, abandoned vehicles, potholes, damaged/fallen trees, weeds, missed trash/recycling/compost pickup, and neighborhood issues. (Be sure to get a case number).
Call 311 or go online to PocketGov.org to report encampments. Be sure to report important details such as the exact location, the number of tents, and if propane tanks are present. Encourage others to report this as well. (Be sure to get a case number).
Call 911 to report a crime in progress, including street racing. You can also report street racing online.
Call the Denver Police Non-Emergency line to report a crime not in progress at 720-913-2000.
In addition to using 311/PocketGov.org, you can call Denver Parking Enforcement at 720-913-1600 to report parking violations such as vehicles parked in bike lanes and commercial trucks parked overnight on city streets.
In addition to using 311/PocketGov.org, you can call the Abandoned Vehicle Hotline at 720-865-0471 to report cars, trucks, RVs, and campers that have not moved in more than 72 hours.
Stay clear of downed lines and report them immediately to Xcel Energy at 1-800-895-1999 or call 911.
Call animal protection for in-progress issues (that are not 911 emergencies) at 720-913-2080.
For information regarding Denver’s new expanded waste collection program starting in 2023 visit the Expanded Waste Services webpage. For questions, please email ExpandedCollection@DenverGov.org.