UHNA Annual Community Meeting & Elections
December 14, 2022
In attendance: Emily, Donna, David M., Officer Pacheco (DPD), Officer Kate Young (DPD), Darcy, Laura M, Amy Hopp, Stacy, Kathy Corbett, Silvia Carceres, Lisa Z, Nick Sheryka, Christie, Casey Lee, Linda, Annalize, Kirsten.
Find the UHNA Annual Community Meeting Agenda & Presentation here:
I.) Call to order
II.) Crime & Safety, Officer Pacheco & Officer Young
Motor Vehicle theft up 55% - Most are license plate theft
Clerks @ District 3 have non theft screws
Thieves are looking for old school garage door openers. Take them into your house every night.
Catalytic Converter thefts have dropped since Covid
Most are cars that are in the top 10 (older Hondas, Ford 250’s and 350’s, Hundai’s)
Burglary up 9%
Violent Crime up 22%
Aggravated Assault went up
Mostly due to domestic violence
Other Crimes - Drug and Alcohol
396% increase - Mostly due to people calling in and making reports
Outreach Civilian Resource Officer - District 3 Station
deon.rogers@denvergov.org 720-614-2933
MHCD - Crisis Clinicians 2 people per shift
Star Van - Vanbulance
To report Homeless Camps - Call 311 or pocketgov.org for physical encampment
Call the non-emergency # for safety or other issues
Say “yes” to contact. It can be by phone. Officers don’t have to come to your door.
Big increase in Road Rage!!
Road rage….Don’t engage!
Make 3 right hand turns (if being followed call 911 and they will guide you to a police station)
Give good description of car involved and what is happening
Dist. 3 Cab Meeting - Jan. 4th
Dist. 3 Community Meeting - Jan 19th @ 6 PM
Monthly Coffee w/the Cops - 1st Wed of every month 10-12 @ Nick’s
Community Crime Map -
III.) UHNA Board of Director Officer Elections
Candidate for Treasurer - Laura Mersmann or ?!?
Candidate for Secretary - Lisa Zinn
Candidate for President - Donna Wickham
Candidate for Vice President - Amy Hopp Robinson
David Mindock - Community Services
Retired ESL Instructor @ DU
Kathy Corbett - History Committee Chair
Architectural Historian
Silvia Caceres - Communications
From Columbia, SA
Biologist @ NJH
Emily Holben Walker - Communications
Hugh Haiker - Print Media (flyers, posters, etc.)
III.) Board of Adjustment - Zoning
Conversion of attached garage to a living space on S. Fairfax St.
Encroaches on side setback
Board denied it and owners are appealing the denial and will meet on January 10th
Carport Addition in front of facade - East Greenwood Place
January 17th hearing date
IV.) Be a Good Neighbor and HELP
Lisa recommended VOA - Snow Angels
Residents needing help are on CO Blvd./Hampden
V.) Expanded Waste Collection Services
VI.) Near SE Area Plan - UHILLS North
Zoning changes
UHILLS planning initiative isn’t scheduled as of yet
VII.) Residential Rental Properties
There are rebate programs available
IV.) Denver Property Tax Relief Program
X.)Adjourned @ 7:57 PM