University Hills Annual Community Meeting
Denver, Colorado, 80222
I. Call to Order @ 6:38
In attendance: Donna, Lisa, Linda, Emily, David, Kathy, Ginny Taylor, Amy Randolph, Rhondam, D. Clarke, Kristin Monroe, Kristin Arkin-Leydig, Michael Marsico, Stacy Schafer, Shannon Burke
II. Approval of the minutes from Nov. 1 Meeting
David made a motion to approve the minutes and Emily made a 2nd
III. Introduction of sitting board
Welcome neighbors and board nominees
Read bios of our nominees
Explanation of agenda and process of elections
1. We are not electing specific officers
Everyone agreed that this is how the Association is going to move forward
2. The board will organize on Jan 11 and agree on individual roles and committees
Introduction of nominees
Vote – Please type “Yes” or “No” along with your name and address in the chat field
Congratulations and Welcome New Members
Treasurer’s Report – Linda Dailey
Column L are expenses from the Santa Event @ Wellshire
Wellshire still needs to be paid
Dahlia Dental Group is a $500 sponsor for this event
There was a $47 Paypal donation
There was a $36 donation as well at the Wellshire
Linda paid USPS for our PO Box @ Buchtel Branch
Assignment for January
A. What are you really good at?
B. What are you really bad at?
C. What is the best thing about living in University Hills?
D. What is the worst thing about living in University Hills?
E. What is your vision of a really great neighborhood?
F. Would you like to serve as an officer in 2024?
Donna spoke about the dates chosen for meeting dates for 2024
There will be quarterly Community Meetings which will be determined at the January 11th meeting at Donna’s home @ 6:30
Meetings will be 6:30 - 8 pm
Adjournment @ 7:22 pm