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UHNA Board Meeting | September 18th, 2023

In attendance: Donna, Lisa, David M., Kathy, Emily


Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm Donna approved the previous minutes and David 2nd.

5500 E.Yale Proposed Homeless Micro-Community Site

  • Donna has received calls from 2 residents

    • Need to confirm RNO responsibilities when it comes to contentious matters, especially concerning neighborhoods outside of our boundaries

    • Have we done our due diligence when it comes to communicating with the neighborhood?

    • Do we have a responsibility to present both sides?

      • If so, how do we make sure both sides have equal access?

Josh Posner - Director of Strategic Initiatives w/City of Denver

  • 5500 E. Yale is a prospective site for Micro-Community

    • Not absolute yet - Exploratory Phase

    • No other sites in District 4 @ this time

    • Transit oriented area

    • Traffic increased with pedestrian and bike traffic due to increase people living in the area

    • Micro-Community can only be in existence for up to 4 years

      • Financially makes sense for only 2 - 3 years & 11 months

    • Purchasing the building?

      • Probably, but has to make financial sense for the city

Other possible locations suggested by others

  • 4020 E. Evans Ave. (RTD Lot)

  • 4121 E. Evans Ave.

  • Southwest Corner of Evans and I-25 (large greenspace in front of new apartment building)

  • 5050 E. Evans Ave. (next to parking area of Bimbo Bakery)

  • 6565 E. Evans Ave. (condemned building and parking lots)

  • Regal Continental Theater is a big lot - NOT an option

    • The hotel was offered to the City years ago

    • They and Regal made an agreement not to be used as a temporary housing site

Rules are set by the “providers” for the community

  • No sobriety guidelines

  • Guests are people not living in the micro community (friends, family, etc.)

  • The surrounding environment and community is important by the service providers

    • Good Neighbor Agreement

    • Open Public Drug Use?

    • Panhandling?

Treasurer Report -

  • Movie Night Expenses $ 2772.29 approx.

  • Movie Night Donations $ unknown amount

  • $ 2977 in the bank as of today

  • **Did Linda pay the movie fee of $ 720. We did not have a licensed movie. I had the movie in my classroom and supplied the movie for the night. If it was paid, we need to be reimbursed.

Movie Night Feedback - August 25th

  • Great turnout

  • Food trucks were a success

    • Feedback was the ice cream truck was slow

  • Sponsors wanted to give free samples of food and we decided it could be a negative impact for food trucks

    • Revisit this conversation for next year

  • **Parents need to supervise their kids better

    • Reports of kids throwing rocks at the school

  • Next years options of dates

    • Over the 4th of July Week-end?

      • Not recommended to do the holiday week-end

    • Easier for Lisa and Laura a couple weeks AFTER school starts

      • Truck dates voted and approved

        • **June 7, June 21, July 12, July 26, August 9, August 30th (Movie Night @ Bradley)

    • Already reserved a couple of trucks

Elections - Any thought on adding new board members?

  • Denver INC liaison

  • Event Coordinator - To head an “Events Committee”

    • Laura to continue doing Parks Application/Permits for Food Truck Nights? - TBD

  • Fundraising Coordinator - To head “Fundraising Committee”

  • Do we hold a vote for continuing officers?

    • Amy - Fundraising Team, Community Garden, Communication

Annual Meeting - Reschedule to October 19th @ 6:30

  • Lisa sent an email to Gabby @ Eisenhower requesting the meeting be held there. Donna completed the application and it was approved

  • Diana Romero-Campbell will attend

    • Time for Questions

  • Josh Posner?

    • Info re Micro-Community?

    • Refreshments?

      • Pint size water bottles and cookies?

Laura’s Departure

  • Tentatively @ Esters on Saturday, October 7th for dinner and drinks w/board and sig others/spouses

Adjourned at 8:15 pm?

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