In attendance: Donna, Lisa, David M., Kathy, Emily
Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm Donna approved the previous minutes and David 2nd.
5500 E.Yale Proposed Homeless Micro-Community Site
Donna has received calls from 2 residents
Need to confirm RNO responsibilities when it comes to contentious matters, especially concerning neighborhoods outside of our boundaries
Have we done our due diligence when it comes to communicating with the neighborhood?
Do we have a responsibility to present both sides?
If so, how do we make sure both sides have equal access?
Josh Posner - Director of Strategic Initiatives w/City of Denver
5500 E. Yale is a prospective site for Micro-Community
Not absolute yet - Exploratory Phase
No other sites in District 4 @ this time
Transit oriented area
Traffic increased with pedestrian and bike traffic due to increase people living in the area
Micro-Community can only be in existence for up to 4 years
Financially makes sense for only 2 - 3 years & 11 months
Purchasing the building?
Probably, but has to make financial sense for the city
Other possible locations suggested by others
4020 E. Evans Ave. (RTD Lot)
4121 E. Evans Ave.
Southwest Corner of Evans and I-25 (large greenspace in front of new apartment building)
5050 E. Evans Ave. (next to parking area of Bimbo Bakery)
6565 E. Evans Ave. (condemned building and parking lots)
Regal Continental Theater is a big lot - NOT an option
The hotel was offered to the City years ago
They and Regal made an agreement not to be used as a temporary housing site
Rules are set by the “providers” for the community
No sobriety guidelines
Guests are people not living in the micro community (friends, family, etc.)
The surrounding environment and community is important by the service providers
Good Neighbor Agreement
Open Public Drug Use?
Treasurer Report -
Movie Night Expenses $ 2772.29 approx.
Movie Night Donations $ unknown amount
$ 2977 in the bank as of today
**Did Linda pay the movie fee of $ 720. We did not have a licensed movie. I had the movie in my classroom and supplied the movie for the night. If it was paid, we need to be reimbursed.
Movie Night Feedback - August 25th
Great turnout
Food trucks were a success
Feedback was the ice cream truck was slow
Sponsors wanted to give free samples of food and we decided it could be a negative impact for food trucks
Revisit this conversation for next year
**Parents need to supervise their kids better
Reports of kids throwing rocks at the school
Next years options of dates
Over the 4th of July Week-end?
Not recommended to do the holiday week-end
Easier for Lisa and Laura a couple weeks AFTER school starts
Truck dates voted and approved
**June 7, June 21, July 12, July 26, August 9, August 30th (Movie Night @ Bradley)
Already reserved a couple of trucks
Elections - Any thought on adding new board members?
Denver INC liaison
Event Coordinator - To head an “Events Committee”
Laura to continue doing Parks Application/Permits for Food Truck Nights? - TBD
Fundraising Coordinator - To head “Fundraising Committee”
Do we hold a vote for continuing officers?
Amy - Fundraising Team, Community Garden, Communication
Annual Meeting - Reschedule to October 19th @ 6:30
Lisa sent an email to Gabby @ Eisenhower requesting the meeting be held there. Donna completed the application and it was approved
Diana Romero-Campbell will attend
Time for Questions
Josh Posner?
Info re Micro-Community?
Pint size water bottles and cookies?
Laura’s Departure
Tentatively @ Esters on Saturday, October 7th for dinner and drinks w/board and sig others/spouses
Adjourned at 8:15 pm?