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UHNA Board Meeting: Oct 10, 2022

UHNA Board Meeting Minutes 10/10/22

(Recorded by Hugh Haiker)

2022 8th Annual Santa at the Wellshire Event

I. Sponsors:

A. What are we offering them?

1. logo on UHNA website

2. logo on flyer if payment receive by 11/03/22

3. logo in event slide show (if we can arrange a slide show)

B. Sponsorship tiers based on those we used for Summer 2022

1. $150

2. $300

3. $450 and up

C. Donna suggested expanding our outreach to include home-based businesses.

D. Sponsor letter and form updated during meeting and emailed to board (see below).

II. Volunteers

A. We need volunteers to cover for board members who will be on vacation:

B. Stacy Schafer will be Mrs Claus

III. Santa photos

A. Hugh will contact Todd Seymore to scout the event site

B. Lighting or backdrop needed for photo area?

C. What will The Wellshire be providing?

D. Hire a photographer based on available donations?

IV. Additional event features

A. Lisa will contact DPD and DFD to see if they will attend

V. Budget

A. Minimum budget is estimated at approximately $500

1. $150 Wellshire fees

2. $150 tip for Wellshire employees

3. Unknown for candy canes*

4. $200 for Steve Mackie (Santa)

B. Event has the potential to bolster UHNA’s standing funds

VI. Collateral

A. Flyer

1. Flyer design cut off is 11/03/22 for a 11/05/22 design completion date

a) Payment must be received by this date to make the flyer

b) Sponsor logos must be submitted

2. Print date 11/11/22

3. Hugh will create a draft based on past flyers to be vetted by the board

4. Lisa will replicate print job from 2022 Movie Night

a) 81⁄2 X 11

b) Tabloid

5. Board will collaborate to laminate and distribute

B. Posters

1. Way finding signs TBD

2. Use existing donation poster

VII.Food and/or clothing drive

A. Boxes needed for collection of donations at the event

B. Lisa will investigate need for clothes

C. Focus will be on canned goods for easy storage

VIII. Candy Canes

A. Donna proposed that we save budget by moving away from Hammond’s to save money

B. Donna will explore new sources for candy canes (major retailers: Five Below, CostCo,


IX. Crafting

A. DPL will provide crafting activities for the event

B. David is the contact and has discussed with the current Head Librarian

X. Board members collaborated to edit and improve sponsor letter and donation forms.

A. Included direct PayPal QR code

B. Clarified donation types/instructions for payment

C. Added question regarding sponsor event table

D. Clarified where to send cheques and logos (Laura)

E. New forms were distributed via email by Lisa and Hugh

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