In attendance: Donna, Lisa, David, Kathy, Kristin Arkin-Leydig, Linda Dailey
Emily was unable to attend tonight and Lisa Zinn and Michael Marsico are both stepping down.
Call to Order by Donna @ 6:35 PM
Approval of October Minutes - Linda made a motion to approve and David seconded.
Treasurer's Report
Current Balance - $ 583.97 as of tonight
Recent expenses - No real activity since the last meeting.
Last year’s Santa expenses were approximately $560
Vice President's Report
INC Updates - If there is a planning or zoning change, they will notify RNO’s
Possible changes are ADU codes
Building form assignment for ADU’s
Building standards for ADU’s
Building Connectors - ?
Parking requirements specific to the downtown neighborhood
Removed the requirement for permits for temporary ?? - Kristin will follow up to see if this affects our Friday Food Truck Events
President's Report
Highline Conservancy -
Both Grace United Methodist and First Universalist are interested in teaming up with us for a Spring High Line Canal Clean-up Day
Donna is happy to organize this
High Line Canal Clean-Up: https://highlinecanal.org/independentcleanups/
Donna is on MPAC & MBAC
Donna will take a walk at 8 AM near Holly/Hampden and eastbound to be sure it is on a DPS School Day and will get in touch w/Amy @ DOTI re:
Pedestrian Safety
Southmoor Station
Across I-25
TJ Students access
Santa at the Wellshire (Nov. 30) - 10 AM to 2 PM
Donna, Michael, Linda and Kathy will definitely be there. Kristen may be able to participate for a short time, but she has a 2 year old.
Donna has updated the flier.
We are cutting this one close on funds.
We really need to ask for donations
Suggested donation of $10 per family
Kathy will do a $250 Sponsorship to cover the event and Mrs. Claus (Michelle)
David Mindock is donating $200 to cover Santa (Steve Mackey)
Donna purchased Candy Canes as an in kind donation
Cost for Wellshire for room and food
$150 flat fee (plus we should generously tip the staff)
Donna, Kathy and Auggie (fiddle) are collaborating on music
Dahlia Dental is confirmed for a table
Little Gym is confirmed
Aida will be doing movement activities
DPL wants to partner
David w/reach out to Jennifer @ Ross University Hills Denver Public Libraries
December 12th Community Meeting - 6:30 PM @ Eisenhower Rec.
Need to have at least 12 people at a community meeting according to the bylaws
Diana Romero Campbell is confirmed
Donna will reach out to her to have our meeting added to her monthly newsletter
How can we increase community engagement?
1st Thursday is a popular meeting night perhaps moving to Monday?
Perhaps DPD @ our next Community Meeting to increase attendance
Signage around the neighborhood
Emily to make an email blast
NextDoor and FaceBook
Donna will create a flier
Board Positions Available - Elections in December by a majority at this event
President: Open
Secretary: Open
Lisa will be a liaison between UHNA and DPS/Bradley.
How many people should be on the board according to the bylaws?
President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, + Chairpersons
David Mindock is interested in VP or Secretary position
Did you like self organizing into tasks like we did this past year?
Next steps for open positions
Advertise for board nominees
Bradley Newsletter
Flier w/QR Code for more info
FaceBook and NextDoor
The 2nd Thursday of each month didn't work well
Other date options for 2025
Conversation w/the new board
Next Meeting Dec. 12, 6:30 PM @ Eisenhower Rec Center. 2025 UHNA Board of Director elections to take place. Newly elected members will self-select roles, according to interests and skills.
Kathy made the motion to adjourn and Linda made the 2nd. Meeting adjourned @ 7:51 PM.