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UHNA Board Meeting Minutes

May 12, 2021

In attendance: Emily, Jon, Lisa, Dave Mindock, Laura, Christie

Safe Parking Initiative

Helen, leader of the Grass Roots Committee against the Safe Parking Initiative, was invited. Not sure if she will attend tonight.

  • People are opposed as it is next to a park and playground

  • Next to park where many youth sports are held

  • Not great for the neighborhood

Neighbors in support of the Safe Parking Initiative were also invited to tonight's meeting.

Steve Charbonneau (mediator) was hired by Kendra/City to head up “A Good Neighbor Agreement”

  • Now there is representation from people from both sides, including residents that live near the church

  • Jon agrees with Steve that the people that live closest to the church should have the loudest voice

The Montview United Methodist Church in Park Hill have filed a lawsuit in opposition of the Safe Parking Initiative setting up a similar initiative.

All board members expressed their views and opinions about this. Christie expressed concern that Steve C. reached out to UNHA to ask about possible people that might want to be involved in the process. Are the sources being asked to be involved equitable? Jon responded that Steve knows Dave Augustinis and wanted to know if there was anyone living near the church was pro initiative. Christie thinks that we should perhaps put something out to residents of the neighborhood to let them know what is going on and ask if anyone is interested in being part of the Initiative. We need to be careful about labels and be sensitive about how things are phrased. “People experiencing homelessness…”

The city (Tina Alexrod) just changed the zoning and rolled into the Group Living Amendment. This changes the ground rules. The document should be read by all parties. This item did not need to be voted on. Does this mean that now the Safe Parking site, and other similar programs, could have tents and cars?

Jon asked Christie about DPD District 3 and their response. Commander Kyle has responded to this. Christie will try to get a few sentences from him that she can share with us. DPD can not endorse something like this. It comes from City Council, the Mayor, etc.

Emily asked the board the extent of which UHNA should be involved. Christie doesn’t believe UHNA should take a stand, but that we should be an information sharing platform that is equitable regarding what is going on. Dave M., Lisa and Laura all agree with Christie.

Other Items

Community Opportunities

Laura and Lisa have talked about doing a Food Truck every other week throughout the summer, beginning June 11th through the end of August. (6/11, 6/25, 7/9, 7/23, 8/13, 8/27). A variety of trucks...try to get it scheduled out and blast it to the neighbors in order to avoid applying for a permit. UHNA is not bringing in any money at this point.

Ideas about doing some kid centered activities maybe every other time with the food trucks. Scavenger hunt, games, arts, fun run, etc. Christy will spearhead this component.

Would Alex Soldana, Your Castle Real Estate, be willing to sponsor/co-sponsor a Movie Night? Alex hosted summer Movie Nights at Bradley for the community. Laura suggested doing this as UHNA’s Main Summer Event this year. Get sponsors, donations from attendees, etc. Lisa talk w/Steve regarding use of Bradley at the end of the summer... perhaps August 28th? Dave M. will talk w/Alex after I talk w/Steve and share more updated information.


Christie highly recommended that everyone bring in their garage door openers every night. Too many break ins getting the opener and coming back at another time.

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