Easter Egg Hunt will be April 9th @ Bradley
• Green Bus Café: Coffee & Food
o 9:30 to 11:00
o Park on blacktop
• Egg Hunt begins at 10AM
• Put up donation box with QR Code to paypal
• Timbuk to provide
o $1 coupons
o Giveaway toys in Golden Toys
• Eggs to fill 3,000
o Hugh to try filling some on his own
o Then need to get together
• 3 rounds
o 12months to 3 in ECE playground
o 4-6 @ primary playground
o 7 and up@ intermediate playground
• (2) Sponsors: $350
o Cody Dental – David M.
o Wish - Darryl
o Tulip - Darryl
o Corson Dentistry (ONLY IF CODY SAYS NO)
• To reuse:
o Rings, stickers, knick knacks. Emily to get us quantity of what she has
o Eggs
§ Laura and Emily to get us quantities of what she has
• Needs:
o Candy: 3,000 candy pieces (no chocolate, hard candy only)
o Golden Eggs: XX
o Golden Coins: XX
o Flyers (Need to use similar look as we have done in the past)
§ Need Easter Egg Hunt flyer. Mention bring your own yard games.
§ Need Coffee truck flyer targeting neighbors without kids. Mention bring
your own yard games.
Food Trucks – Every other Friday starting 6/3
• (1) Sponsors: $350 if sole sponsor $500?
o Pet Station
• Put up donation box with QR Code to paypal
• Need (Need to use similar look as we have done in the past)
o Flyer for every Friday night
Movie Night – August 26th @ Bradley
• No Alex Saldana support. We’ll need to gather funds to do it ourselves.
UHNA Meeting Minutes 01.28.2022
• Assumed budget: $2,500
• Discussed GoFundMe. Decided to not go that route and instead do QR code that would
go directly to our PayPal Account.
• Try to get sponsors after April 9th. If by May 30th we have sufficient sponsors we will not
ask the community for donations. Otherwise, we’ll need to.
o (4) Sponsors: $350
§ Timbuk Toys
§ Wish or Tulip
§ The other dentist?
§ Momentum
§ Bike Source
§ DQ
§ Roofing company?
o (2) Sponsors: $500
§ Chez Artiste
§ The Y