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UHNA Board Meeting | June 8, 2023

In attendance: Donna, Linda, Lisa, David M., Emily, Amy

* Items in teal are things we didn’t get to during the meeting. Should be on the agenda for the July 13th meeting. I would like to offer my patio for the meeting so we can meet in person (I think it’s important) and enjoy the outdoors. Let’s plan on a potluck. I can throw some burgers on the grill. Let’s plan for 6:45 so we can eat and visit a bit too before starting official business. I’ll send a calendar invite. Can someone please make a plan with David to pick him up? Thanks!


Meeting called to order at 7:08. David approved the previous minutes.

  • Treasurer Report - Donations deposits for $400 (Pet Station & Shining Lotus)

    • Movie Night Expenses $ 888.29

    • Balance $ 636.99

Event Planning -

  • Sponsor update - Need specifics from all members who have solicited sponsorships

    • Donna has a Concrete Co Sponsor for $300

      • We have not yet received anything from Kirsten

        • Donna will follow up with her tomorrow

    • Kathy got a sponsor too from Shining Lotus for $250

      • Has it been deposited on May 28th

    • Linda has not yet deposited her $150 personal donation

      • She will do that tonight

    • David will also sponsor personally for $150

      • He will mail a check to Linda @ 3094 S. Dexter Wy., 80222-6752

    • Lisa has collected the following donations:

      • Esters - $150

      • Pilates Collective - $150

      • Framed Image - $200

      • Bird Call - $500 on Paypal (in next few days)

        • I will get the first 3 sponsor checks ($500) to Linda tomorrow or Saturday

          • Donna said she will pay the 3% if any sponsor doesn’t or won’t

      • There are 7 requests for Sponsorship Lisa is waiting to hear back from. All know June 23 is the “Drop Dead” Deadline

    • Any other sponsors?

      • Amy was under the understanding that the $500 Sponsorship was good for 1 year (from date of sponsorship) and ability to have a table at each of the 3 events.

      • Next year hone in and get 10 - $500 sponsors!

    • 870 people on the email list. Probably closer to 676. Our “open rate” is about 62%. Click rate is 9%

    • Donna w/check with Bike Source tomorrow

      • May bring a mechanic to Movie Night

    • How is everyone doing on contacting their assigned businesses on the spreadsheet?

      • People need to get out there and get sponsors as June 23rd is the Drop Dead Date

      • Everyone has access to the spreadsheet and needs to update their specifics (ie donations, contacts, etc)

    • Do we have UHNA Thank You Cards? If so, please bring them to the next meeting!

      • Everyone that received a sponsorship should write a card to the person or business

  • Lisa has submitted the application to DPS for use of facility. Admin and FM has approved the request, just waiting to hear from my lady for final approvals.

  • Review food truck responsibilities - Do we need 2 people?

    • Laura is host on 6/16/23

      • Sarah (Donna’s student) is the musician

    • David is host on 6/30/23

      • Pep Band le Pew

    • Call the Monday before the Food Truck to confirm

    • Coordinating with food truck to be sure in correct location

      • Set up is 4-5. Each trucks needs vary on time needed for prep

      • Check in w/Eisenhower re activities

      • Welcome people attending

      • Welcome musician and help w/set up

      • Set up games (get from Hugh or previous truck host)

      • Set up posters and QR Code

      • Help gather movie votes -

        • Has movie flier for votes been made?

      • Make sure park is cleaned up

      • Get tally from truck on # of sales and $ amount sold

Meeting abruptly adjourned due to massive storm with hail at 8:35.

  • Diana Romero Campbell -

  • Kathy -

  • Neighborhood gatherings - Denver Days?

  • Kendra & SE Development Conversation and Vote?

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