In attendance: Donna, Linda, Lisa, David M., Emily, Amy
* Items in teal are things we didn’t get to during the meeting. Should be on the agenda for the July 13th meeting. I would like to offer my patio for the meeting so we can meet in person (I think it’s important) and enjoy the outdoors. Let’s plan on a potluck. I can throw some burgers on the grill. Let’s plan for 6:45 so we can eat and visit a bit too before starting official business. I’ll send a calendar invite. Can someone please make a plan with David to pick him up? Thanks!
Meeting called to order at 7:08. David approved the previous minutes.
Treasurer Report - Donations deposits for $400 (Pet Station & Shining Lotus)
Movie Night Expenses $ 888.29
Balance $ 636.99
Event Planning -
Sponsor update - Need specifics from all members who have solicited sponsorships
Donna has a Concrete Co Sponsor for $300
We have not yet received anything from Kirsten
Donna will follow up with her tomorrow
Kathy got a sponsor too from Shining Lotus for $250
Has it been deposited on May 28th
Linda has not yet deposited her $150 personal donation
She will do that tonight
David will also sponsor personally for $150
He will mail a check to Linda @ 3094 S. Dexter Wy., 80222-6752
Lisa has collected the following donations:
Esters - $150
Pilates Collective - $150
Framed Image - $200
Bird Call - $500 on Paypal (in next few days)
I will get the first 3 sponsor checks ($500) to Linda tomorrow or Saturday
Donna said she will pay the 3% if any sponsor doesn’t or won’t
There are 7 requests for Sponsorship Lisa is waiting to hear back from. All know June 23 is the “Drop Dead” Deadline
Any other sponsors?
Amy was under the understanding that the $500 Sponsorship was good for 1 year (from date of sponsorship) and ability to have a table at each of the 3 events.
Next year hone in and get 10 - $500 sponsors!
870 people on the email list. Probably closer to 676. Our “open rate” is about 62%. Click rate is 9%
Donna w/check with Bike Source tomorrow
May bring a mechanic to Movie Night
How is everyone doing on contacting their assigned businesses on the spreadsheet?
People need to get out there and get sponsors as June 23rd is the Drop Dead Date
Everyone has access to the spreadsheet and needs to update their specifics (ie donations, contacts, etc)
Do we have UHNA Thank You Cards? If so, please bring them to the next meeting!
Everyone that received a sponsorship should write a card to the person or business
Lisa has submitted the application to DPS for use of facility. Admin and FM has approved the request, just waiting to hear from my lady for final approvals.
Review food truck responsibilities - Do we need 2 people?
Laura is host on 6/16/23
Sarah (Donna’s student) is the musician
David is host on 6/30/23
Pep Band le Pew
Call the Monday before the Food Truck to confirm
Coordinating with food truck to be sure in correct location
Set up is 4-5. Each trucks needs vary on time needed for prep
Check in w/Eisenhower re activities
Welcome people attending
Welcome musician and help w/set up
Set up games (get from Hugh or previous truck host)
Set up posters and QR Code
Help gather movie votes -
Has movie flier for votes been made?
Make sure park is cleaned up
Get tally from truck on # of sales and $ amount sold
Meeting abruptly adjourned due to massive storm with hail at 8:35.
Diana Romero Campbell -
Kathy -
Neighborhood gatherings - Denver Days?
Kendra & SE Development Conversation and Vote?