In attendance: Donna, Linda, Lisa, David M., Kathy
Meeting called to order at 7:10 pm Donna approved the previous minutes and David 2nd.
Treasurer Report -
Movie Night Expenses $ 2772.29 approx.
$ 1997.01 in the bank as of today + $500 from Sweet Greens needs to be deposited + $6 from donation @ last Food Truck + $ 636.99? From the Paypal account
Linda w/pay the movie fee of $ 720
New balance will be $ 2420.00
FUNdraiser @ Birdcall - Tues., July 18th
Only made $6+
2 Total sales
Friday Food Truck - August 11th 5-8
Please wear UHNA shirts
Carnivores Food Truck
Combforts Dessert Food Truck
Movie Night - August 25th
Kathy w/be out of town this night
Lisa will confirm the food trucks on 8/21
Donna w/bring 2 tents (UHNA and musicians), folding table, table cloths, colorful flags and long extension cords for musicians
Emily - UHNA Banner?
Everyone bring their own camping chairs
Movie - Ratatouille had 67% of the votes
Honeypot w/call me when they are ready to drop porta-potty on Thursday 8/24
Everyone wear UHNA T Shirts
Timbuk Toy Give-away - Its own table
UHNA Table
Sponsor Tables - They bring their own tables and chairs
Electricity - limited access
How do we increase donations? -
Donna will work on poster for new sandwich board (23x36)
Plan volunteer roles:
Set up - after 3 pm
David & Lisa
Trash cans
4 pm
Cones & close off Plum from Elm to Dahlia
Linda and David will come
5 ish
Donna and Michael will come (and stay til the end)
Greeters @ 5:30 ish
Plum, Elm and Dahlia (3 people)
Tear Down
Donna & Michael
Clean Up
Additional volunteers - Ask Friends
Cymber and Michael
Emily’s Neighbors???
Geoff Walker?
Annual Meeting - Reschedule to October 19th @ 6:30
Lisa sent an email to Gabby @ Eisenhower requesting the meeting be held there. TBD
Diana Romero-Campbell will attend
Laura said previously that Bradley PTO is purchasing Owl(?) and we could use it for the annual meeting
Laura’s Departure
Tentatively @ Esters on Saturday, October 7th for dinner and drinks w/board and sig others/spouses
Adjourned at 8:15 pm