UHNA Community Meeting
October 11, 2021

Introductions of attendees: Laura, Lisa, David A., Jon, Dave M., Christie, Hugh H., Stacy Schafer, Shannon Burke, Mark Kelley, Ben Stine, Barry, Rose J., Elaine K., Harper P., Karen E.,
Halloween: Help putting out flyers
Laura showed both fliers. The first one talks about how to hand out candy safely. Need help posting fliers now.
Lisa will post 3 @ Bradley
Hugh will post several fliers throughout the neighborhood
David A. will help post fliers too
A week before Halloween, flier #2 needs to be posted as it has the QR code with the map for people to use on Halloween.
Santa: Event plan and divvy up work - (Tentatively) Sat., Nov. 27th 3:30 - 6:30
Lisa isn’t sure at this time if Wellshire is even still available. Weeks have passed since the date was tentatively set.
Lisa nor Laura will be available
Emily will be away for Thanksgiving until late Friday night or early Saturday morning, and will be of limited assistance
Dave A., David M., Stacy and Christie are available to help for the event
Dave and Hugh are on board for “something related to Santa”
Dave M. will sponsor the candy canes
Need candy canes and/or Stem Kits for kids to work on while waiting for their turn w/Santa IF virtual
Do we have anything left over from last year?
Community Open Forum: We've heard from neighbors that are upset about the ADU application for 3200 S Holly St.
In regards to ADU situation:
A neighbor has emailed UHNA. Emily forwarded the ADU zone change notification/application to the neighbor.
At this point, UHNA knows basically as much as anyone else re the new ADU rules... 1.) that changes are coming to ADU zoning code; and 2.) the City is in the process of recruiting people who want to volunteer to be on the input committee.
At this point, perhaps the best thing for neighbors to do is put their support/objections in writing via email to: Kendra, UHNA, and the City staff person in charge of the application.
The neighbor(s) have asked what UHNA's position is on the ADU. Emily explained that UHNA does not generally get involved in neighborhood issues, unless a clear majority of community members are in favor/object to a particular issue.
Issues include:
Property value
Accessible and affordable housing
Housing crisis
Not a similar neighborhood as others in Denver
Character of the neighborhood
Hedge Funds and Investors are snatching up properties
15% of homes are not owned by property owners
Will set a precedent
Impact on infrastructure
History of UHILLS
16 neighbors strong
Laura offered that perhaps UHNA can try to schedule a Zoom meeting with the neighborhood and Kendra to have a bigger conversation about this issue.
Stacy stated, “We need to stress to Kendra Black that we do not want a "dog and pony show" meeting where she takes over the meeting and just makes a presentation of what will be coming down the pike. It needs to be a meeting where she actually listens to her constituents.”
Laura suggested that UHNA may create a Google Form to send to residents to get feedback regarding ADU situation and rules.
Who should make the survey?
What questions should be on it?
Is/does/should UHNA take a stance on ADU’s?
Another/Other Perspective
Lisa shared her personal situation w/her mother was going to move in and neighbors must take into consideration people’s personal reasons for an ADU. May not be for profit, may be for the benefit of a family member.
Probably a greater conversation with City Council, etc. to see if there can be requirements about WHO lives in the ADU
Hugh and Stacy offered to do a Movie Night at their home for Halloween outside for people to stop by for a quick minute.
Laura has completed the City Application for our Friday Food Trucks for next year. The application opens November 1, 2021. Lisa has reviewed the application and Kathy Giles will also review the application before the November 1 application date.
We are requesting every other Friday @ Eisenhower Park beginning June 3, 2022.
Kendra is willing to sponsor the application so it may not cost UHNA any money.