October 10, 2018 6:30 PM
Location: Bradley International School Auditorium
President Mike Silverstein introduced the current Board Members
Review of University Hills Events
Neighborhood Watch
Egg Hunt
Annual Picnic/Summerfest
Food Trucks
Live Band
University Hills Neighborhood Association is not a HOA (Home Owners Association)
University Hills Neighborhood Association is a an Registered Neighborhood Organization (RNO)
Emily Holben Walker
November 2018 Ballot Initiatives -
Mental Health & Addiction (A measure for children and adults)
25% sales tax funded and could raise $45 M p/year
There would be a New, Independent Board of:
Community Leaders
Denver Health Workers
Juvenile Justice System
$12 in ER vs $1 in early prevention
Mental Health Center of Denver is funded by
Megan representing Ordinance 302 - Healthy Food for Denver Kids
.08% = < .08 on every $100 of sales, but not applicable on fresh foods
Would run for 10 years and then would be up for renewal by the voters
Anticipated that it will raise $ 11.2M the 1st year
Would have a new Commission
8 Commission Members
5 local Government
It would be a specific fund
Caring 4 Denver - 301
Gabriel - Mngr for the Initiative spoke
Kathy Giles Dist. 4 representing Councilwoman Kendra Black
Coffee Talks - “Modern Death” - Fri., Oct. 12th 10:30 - 12 @ Eisenhower Rec Center
Town Hall Event 202 - Wed., Oct. 24th 6-7 PM @ TJ
Mayor Hancock
New Director of Transportation
Bike Lanes in Southmoor Mtg will be before the Town Hall Meeting from 4:30 - 5:30
Neighborhood Watch
Good Neighbors Program
Most are crimes of opportunity
Check out things on Next Door
Eisenhower Recreation Center Improvements
Parks Foundation to leverage funds to acquire new parkland, especially focussing to get a park in University Hills North neighborhood
Parks/Rec Tax Increase is on the November 2018 ballot
Yale Station Pedestrian Improvements
8’ Sidewalks from 1-25 to Dahlia on the South side of Yale Ave
Sidewalk construction will begin when Excel and other utility companies are finished burying/undergrounding the utility lines
Yale Planner - Kendra is pushing the City for one. This would be from CO Blvd. to Quebec
Go Bond - Highline Trail
To create a High Line Canal pedestrian/bike tunnel at Yale and South Holly Street. This is funded by the bond but has not been yet designed.
Melanie Colletti - Ross University Hills Library
Bond - UHILLS is mid list and would receive HVAC and a new elevator
Spanish book collection in the children’s library collection
CRO Jim Lopez w/District 3 DPD - Updates
Property Crimes, Theft from Motor Vehicles and Theft of Motor Vehicles are 40% of the time Crimes of Opportunity
There has been a 50% - 60% decrease in crimes since the Garage Door Openers were arrested approximately 3 weeks ago
There may be a type of Valet Key in car owners Vehicle Owners Manuals. It is recommended that everyone look at their Vehicle Owners Manual and check. Often, when a car is initially broken into it is to get that valet key so they can come back at another time to steal the car. That key will start a car.
6 cars were taken this way by the Garage Door Openers Group
Neighborhood Watch Meeting is Thurs., Nov. 8 @ District 3 from 6 - 7 PM
All BB Guns and Air Rifles are illegal in the city of Denver regardless of age
The Walk-a-Mile Walk through the neighborhood is up and going. If interested get in touch w/Jim Lopez.
He will share safety and decorative tips
Emily Holben Walker - U-Hills Neighborhood Visioning Project
It is important to have official neighborhood plans because it can guide future development in our area
University Hills and its residents need to create our own plan of what we want in our neighborhood - what we want to preserve and enhance
Improvements to our neighborhood school, such as a mural for Bradley’s retaining wall on Dahlia/Cornell
No more concrete deserts (like what's currently at U-Hills Plaza and Sprouts/Rite Aid shopping centers). When these areas are redeveloped, it will be important for our community to have an adopted vision and plan that can guide development to benefit our community. New development needs to include:
Fountains and gathering spaces (gathering places and walkability promote more cohesive and safer communities)
Trees and plants (which beautify and help reduce green house gas effects)
Safe sidewalks to promote more walkability and safer more dignified access to the places we need to go and public transit
As we develop our University Hills Vision, we can adopt best practices from neighborhoods around the world. Nearby, we can examine how the old Southglenn Mall has become Street of Southglenn
A new movie theatre created to look midcentury (U-Hills is a midcentury neighborhood)
Ice rink where members of the community can gather
Summer concerts where members of the community can gather in the summer
Denver Water will no longer let water through the High Line Canal
This puts trees, wildlife and other habitats at risk
Storm water will run through the canal
Rise School on Dahlia/Eastman is selling the undeveloped parcel of land on the corner
Talks are multi housing units and affordable housing
Explore - if it’s possible for it to become Open Space
Elections were held -
Emily Holben Walker was voted in as President
Jon Wachter as VP
Lisa Zinn as Secretary
Laura Mersmann as Treasurer