UHNA Community Meeting
August 15, 2022
In attendance: Emily, Lisa, David M., Donna, Penfield Tate III, Andy Chen, Shannon Burke, Bob and Susan Holben, Lesley Twarogowski (Running for At Large - leslieatlarge.com), Wanda Abel, Amy, Christie M., Stacy, rhondam, Elaine, Silvia Caceres, Amy Hopp.
Find the UHNA Community Meeting Agenda & Presentation here:
I.) Call to order
II.) Yes for Parks & Open Space, Penfield Tate III - Shared his presentation
Ballot 301 - Preserves open space - Residential and commercial development is prohibited unless approved by the voters. Last year this issue won by a 2:1 margin overall and by a ?% by immediate neighbors
Ballot 302 - Weakened existing law
West Side Development Group (Loretto Heights Developer)
III.) U-Hills Movie Night (Friday, Aug 26) -
Emily shared information about the Movie Night and asked if anyone was interested in volunteering
IV.) U-Hills neighborhood business - ADU’s
The application for 3200 S. Holly has been withdrawn
The City is hosting an ADU Open House on Aug. 26 - Sept 2 @ Carla Madison Rec Center
In 2023, the city focus group will make their recommendations about ADU’s
Changes in Waste Collection Services including fees
Mosquito Issues along the Highline Canal and UHILLS
Denver Water inserted a type of bacterium that is deadly to mosquito larvae
Should see a result in 24-48 hours
Not harmful to other wildlife
Trailers, Campers, Boats & RV’s
5 complaints filed with the City under the RNO’s email address
No one on the board filed these reports
UHNA requested a CORA on the reports
Debbie Allen is filing a request for a variance. If you are interested in working with or supporting Debbie call or email her at deb@webdeb.com or 303-596-5676
IV.) Open community forum -
Stacy expressed a “Thank you” for all of the Food Truck Events and how much fun they were.
V.) Adjourn