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COVID-19 Health and Safety Resources

Updated: May 23, 2020

Hello neighbors, I hope you and yours are doing alright. This is a strange time. We are all feeling it. We are all going through this together. The abundance of caution we’re taking right now will be good. It will make a positive difference and lives will be saved because of it.  In the interest of health and safety, there is important information to share with you about the coronavirus and COVID-19, including an Emergency Alert released by the Colorado Department of Public Health this evening. We are in this together and we will support each other.  Thank you to all of the community members who are helping people in need. Your help makes an enormous difference.  If you live near someone that lives alone, is elderly, has health issues, and/or has difficulty getting around, please check-in to make sure they are safe and well. Please take care of yourself and each other. Emily Emily Holben Walker President of the Board University Hills Neighborhood Association, RNO


Emergency Alert Colorado Department of Public Health IMPORTANT COVID-19 UPDATE Anyone who has been in Eagle, Summit, Pitkin, or Gunnison counties in the past week should minimize all contact with other people, whether or not they are experiencing symptoms. County public health and emergency management agencies will provide more detailed guidance for residents and visitors within their communities. The general guidance from CDPHE is as follows:

---- If you live in Colorado and are leaving one of these communities, you should minimize contact with other people for 14 days and watch for the development of symptoms like cough, fever, and shortness of breath. 

---- If you are visiting Colorado from out of state and do not currently have symptoms (cough, fever, and shortness of breath), you can return home and practice social distancing there. 

---- If you have symptoms, stay where you are, isolate yourself from others, and call a health care provider or nurse line before seeking care. Do not fly. Do not use public transportation or ride-shares.

---- More recommendations here.


Coronavirus Outbreak Coronaviruses are a type of virus. There are many different kinds, and some cause disease. A newly identified type of coronavirus has caused a recent outbreak of respiratory illness called COVID-19. 

Learn More and Safety Precautions:


Reduce Your Risk of Exposure to Coronavirus Simple steps to control your exposure risk:

---- Wash your hands with soap and water. Your hands touch so many things. It is being investigated how long the coronavirus lives on different kinds of surfaces. 

---- Practice “social distancing”. When you need to go out in public to take care of necessary errands, keep a 3-to-5 foot distance from other people.

---- If you are not feeling well—even if you just think it’s a cold or the flu—stay home, get rest, and contact your doctor. 


Why so many event cancellations and closures? Social distancing recommendations have come from the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, and multiple Colorado and local municipal agencies and organizations. These measures have been put into place in an abundance of caution to help prevent person-to-person spread of the coronavirus, which causes the COVID-19 disease. Preventative measures are strongly recommended to greatly reduce coronavirus instances and death. More information explaining how simple prevention measures will slow the spread of coronavirus.


Ways YOU can make a difference There are many families living paycheck to paycheck who cannot afford extra supplies. When grocery shelves are empty, many people do not know where to turn. People and families experiencing hardship may encounter increased financial difficulty as businesses and organizations temporarily close to reduce spread of disease. If you are able to help, please:

---- Check on a neighbor. Make sure your neighbor is okay and has food and necessities. Exchange phone numbers so that you can call/text in case you need each other for help.

---- Offer/Ask for Help on the U-Hills Helping Hands Facebook page.

---- Donate to help vulnerable populations. Panic buying has created a food bank supply shortage. Please consider donating to an organization of your choice and/or the Denver Rescue Mission (see below).


A call to action from the Denver Rescue Mission As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, the Denver Rescue Mission is asking for support. Here are some of the most critical needs:

---- Brave volunteers to help serve meals to guests and participants. Do not volunteer if you are over 60 or have health issues.

---- Donate food at the Ministry Outreach Center.

---- Donate Financially. 

---- More info at


Temporary Rental and Utility Assistance The Temporary Rental and Utility Assistance program (TRUA) offers resources to Denver residents who are facing a housing crisis or hardship to help prevent eviction or displacement. Learn more about the rent and utility assistance program


FREE Food Available to Children There are many school children that depend on the DPS free and reduced lunch program to eat. The District will be distributing FREE food for children while schools are closed.

Breakfast & Lunch Grab-and-go style, weekdays from Monday, March 16 through Friday, April 3. Breakfast served 8 am - 9 am. Lunch served 12 pm - 1 pm. Southeast Denver Locations: Joe Shoemaker School and Place Bridge Academy.

Dinner Certain Denver recreation centers will be serving dinner to children, 18 years and younger, weekdays from Monday, March 16 through Friday, April 3. Dinner will be served 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm. Southeast Denver Locations: Eisenhower Rec Center and Harvard Gulch Rec Center.


Managing Stress, Anxiety, and Boredom During Quarantine Social distancing is a measure we all must take for our health and the greater good. During this time, it’s likely many of us will have moments of sadness, stress, anxiety, and boredom. Make sure to take time to care for yourself. You can’t help anyone else if you don’t help yourself first. If there’s nothing left of you, there’s nothing left to give anyone else. So please, take care of yourself. It’s also likely many of us will have feelings of restlessness and boredom. To help manage these feelings, consider making a list of things you’d like to tend to during these weeks. It’s a great time to break out that book or articles you’ve been wanting to read, make that new recipe you’ve been thinking about, pull out a challenging jigsaw puzzle, start that home project you’ve been putting off, get some fresh air and spend time in the yard and garden outside! Very importantly, be in tune to yourself and the ones you love. If you feel down for an extended period of time, reach out to someone who will listen and call a doctor. Here are some tools for managing stress and anxiety.


Home Learning Schedules for Families with Children Caring for children and conducting school learning programs at home will be both rewarding and challenging. To help make things more manageable, try to keep the family on a schedule. And, try to balance academics with time spent outdoors, doing creative projects, playing games, and even doing household chores together! Expect to have moments when you feel overwhelmed and weary. Remind yourself that we’re all in this together. And, when you begin to feel stressed, take a moment to calm down. By doing so, you will not only feel better yourself, you will also be teaching your kids important life skills. Maybe even consider doing a short family brainstorm… Together, you can make a list of ‘Ways to Calm Down’. On your list, you might include.. drink a full glass of water, take deep breaths, go for a walk outside, draw a picture, take a minute by yourself, or snuggle with a pet. 


University Hills Neighborhood Celebrations and Meetings Cancelled All University Hills Neighborhood Association events and meetings are cancelled/postponed until further notice. We are disappointed community gatherings need to be cancelled. But, we are glad to be following guidelines and taking active steps that will help keep the people of our community healthy.

---- University Hills Neighborhood Egg Hunt: CANCELLED

---- April 13th Community Meeting: CANCELLED

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