UHNA Board Meeting
July 11, 2022
In attendance: Emily, Laura, Lisa, Hugh, David M., Donna
1.) Food Truck Updates & Tasks
a. Vendor check-ins
# of sales
$ of sales
How does it compare to their other events/are they satisfied?
b. $50 to all musicians
No music for 7/15 as Donna covered the last event and she has a personal obligation this week
There will be music available for the next 2 Food Truck events.
c. What else -
Laura and Emily w/set up music from phone for 7/15 event using Donna’s speaker
2.) Movie Night
a. Sponsors (PO Box) - All by July 29th
Birdcall - $500 on website - no fee paid
Esters - $150
J&J Tutoring - $150
Thrive - $150
Bike Source - $ 350
Gentle Smiles - $ 150
Ace Hardware - $ 350
Timbuk Toys - Toys for Raffle or?!?
Donna Donation from music $ 50
IKON - Donna w/follow up
Chez Artiste - Emily w/follow up
Guiry’s - Emily w/follow up
5 Below - Hugh w/follow up
YMCA - Donna w/follow up
b. Funding next steps
Cancel DJ Shannon due to lack of funding done
No balloon artist
No Face Painters
Puppets & Things on Strings w/do 2 puppet shows
c. Movie Selection, final call for votes - By Aug. 5th
Hugh w//make ballots for the next 2 Food Trucks for participants to be able to vote
d. Vendors - none
e. Week of day of logistics outline - Will discuss @ next meeting on 8/8
f. Next meeting - Monday, 8/8
g. Fliers/posters printed - by Fri. Aug. 5th
3.) Santa at Wellshire Inn - Sat., November 26th 8 - 11:30
Donna’s friend will be Santa (Steve Mackey) $150
Stacey will be Mrs. Claus $ 50
Wellshire $150
Tip $100
$450 Total Expenses for the Event
Emily, Laura & Lisa may ALL be out of town for Thanksgiving
Donna & Michael, Hugh & (maybe) Rich, Dave Mindock w/be here
Dave Mindock w/reach out to DPL to have a craft/activity table
Canned Food Donation Drive - Bring a few cans or other non-perishable items to donate for the Bradley Food Bag Program
Sign-Up Genius for a 1 hour slot to help at various stations
Welcome Table
Mailing List
DPL Table
Food Donation Table
Photo Opp
David Augustinis has the Oriental Trading Cut Outs for photos
Lisa w/reach out to him
Hammond Candies -
Candycanes -Emily w/reach out to them ASAP about donations/sponsorship
4.) ADU stuff -
Emily has gotten all the information to Donna to write the response/reply from UHNA
5.) Dumpster situation (4235 E Cornell Ave) -
Residents contacted the Waste Removal company and the city needed a photo that is date and time stamped in order for resolution.
6.) Trailer situation (3290 S Holly St) - Boat and 33’ camper
Emily thinks it’s resolved.
Residents owned a boat and 2 campers and therefore they are not in Code. Emily has received info from Kendra that several reports were made to 311 and closed. Resident stated he has a friend in the department and nothing will happen. The boat has been moved and the smaller camper is behind the front plane of the house. People can stow on property as long as it’s behind the front plane.
